I want to sent you some ways that you can use herbs!
These are better than going to the store and spending your money on over the counter drugs. I took the information from Plantation Products. This company is awesome and went over and beyond for the customer.
You can find Plantation Product seeds at grocery and home improvement stores.
You can find Plantation Product seeds at grocery and home improvement stores.
Be healthy,
Rochelle Marie at Living Simply Rich
Herbs That Can Make You Healthy!
Basil Tea is used to relieve nausea especially in cases of chemotherapy and radiation. Basil is also used to aid in digestion, gas and headaches. The leaves are added to foods or are used to make a tea. A poultice made from fresh basil leaves is used to heal acne. Fresh basil leaves rubbed on the skin repel insects.
Parts Used: Leaves
Typical Preparations:
Steep 1-2 teaspoons of dried basil of 2 teaspoons fresh basil in 1 cup of boiling water for 15 minutes. Strain out herbs and drink 1 cup of the remaining liquid up to 3 times daily.
Poultice: Mash leaves with just enough water to make a paste. Apply the mash externally to acne and cover with a clean cloth or gauze.
Culinary Uses: Basil is best known for its use in pasta sauces, especially pesto sauce. Basil compliments any type of tomato dish and is also used to flavor beans, peppers, eggplant and soups. Add late in the cooking process for the best flavor. Use fresh or dried. May be added to oils or frozen for longer storage.
Other uses: Use the fragrant leaves in sachets and potpourri. Basil tea may be used as a hair rinse to add luster. Add to bathwater for an invigorating soak. Place pots on windowsill to repel flies.
Harvest Hints: Harvest leaves as needed or harvest whole stems just before flowers open.
Yarrow for detoxification
Medicinal Uses:
A tea made with Yarrow leaves and flowers is used internally as a remedy for hangover to help the body eliminate toxins. The tea is also used to induce sweating to help break fever, for colds, to aid digestion and to relieve menstrual cramps. Externally, Yarrow is applied to wounds to stop bleeding, for cleansing and to help relieve pain and swelling.
Parts used: Leaves, Flowers.
Typical Preparation:
Tea: Steep 1 to 2 teaspoons of dried leaves and flowers or 2 to 3 teaspoons fresh leaves and flowers in 1 cup boiling water for 15 minutes. Strain out herbs and drink 1 cup tea up to 3 times daily.. Flavor tea with sugar or lemon if desired.
Apply the tea externally to wounds of the inflamed area on the skin with a clean cloth.
Apply crushed fresh leaves and flowers to wounds.
Note: Drinking Yarrow tea may cause urine to turn brown: this is considered normal and harmless.
Culinary uses:
Finely shopped young leaves are added to salads of soft cheese dips for a peppery flavor.
Other uses:
Flower clusters work well in fresh for dried arrangements. Flowers may be used to
produce a yellow dye for wool. Yarrow tea is used to water ailing plants. Add a
chopped leaf to a wheelbarrow of compost material to aid decomposition.
Harvest Hints: Harvest leaves and flowering stems as needed through out the summer for fresh use, or harvest stems during flowering and hang stems to dry.
Anise for coughs and bronchitis.
Anise seed tea is used as a soothing expectorant for getting rid of phlegm and as a suppressant for coughs, particularly in cases of colds, bronchitis and dry coughs. The flavorful tea is also used to ease indigestion and gas. In addition, anise tea is believed to enhance the body's ability to absorb iron and is used in cases of anemia caused by iron deficiency.
Parts used: Seeds.
Typical Preparations:
Note: Preparations are intended for seed that is harvested from garden- grown plants.
Gently crush 1 to 2 teaspoons anise seed just prior to use. Add 1 cup boiling water; cover and steep for 10 to 15 minutes. Strain out the seed and drink 1 cup of the liquid up to 2 times daily.
To treat gas: Drink one cup of tea slowly before or after meals.
Culinary Use: The leaves and seeds have a licorice aroma and flavor. The leaves are used in salads. The seeds are used in salads. The seeds are used to flavor cakes, cookies, breads, liqueurs as well as to season fish, poultry, soup and salads.
Other uses: Add the aromatic seeds to sachets and potpourris. The leaves and flowers are added to water, vinegar, alcohol and ammonia to make cleaning
Harvest Hints:
Harvest seed heads in the late summer when seeds turn from green to grayish-brown. Cut stalk and hang upside down in paper bags to catch the seeds as they dry. Store in tightly sealed containers.
Pleurisy Root:
Pleurisy Root is used for respiratory infections to reduce inflammation and aid expectoration. This herb was highly valued by the Plains Indians for lung ailments. Today, a tea made from the root is used for bronchitis, pneumonia, influenza, asthma, dry cough, and especially for pleurisy. The milky juice from the plant is applied topically to warts to help soften and heal the warts.
Parts Used: Root, juice.
Typical Preparation:
Steep ½ to 1 teaspoon dried, crumbled root in 1 cup boiling water for 15 minutes.
Strain out the root and drink 1 cup of the remaining liquid up to 3 times daily.
For warts: Apply the plant's milky sap to warts several times daily.
When plants reach 2 years old, harvest roots in early spring before plant foliage develops, or in the fall after foliage dies down. Clean and dry roots thoroughly.
Oregano for Sinusitis.
Medicinal Uses:
Oregano is used to make an antiseptic tea for treating sinusitis. The tea also acts as an expectorant to relieve nasal congestion that accompanies sinusitis as well as colds and flu. An oregano mouthwash/gargle is used for inflammation of the mouth and throat. Oregano is considered to be a powerful antioxidant.
Antioxidants are believed to play an important role in protecting the body against aging and disease.
Parts used: Leaves
Typical Preparations: Steep 1 to 2 teaspoons dried or 2 to 4 teaspoons fresh herb
in 1 cup of boiling water for 10 to 15 minutes. Strain out herbs and drink 1 cup liquid up to 3 times daily.
Mouthwash: Pour 1 pint boiling water onto 2 tablespoons dried herb or 4 tablespoons fresh herb. Cover and steep for 10 minutes. Strain out the herbs. Cool the remaining liquid and use as a mouthwash.
Gargle: Gently reheat mouthwash liquid until warm the same way as first step.
Use Calendula for sores and skin problems.
Medicinal Uses:
Calendula flower petals are used to make ointments, salves, and compressiones that are used externally for skin problems and sores, slow to heals wounds, minors burns, dry skin, rashes , and fungal infections. Calendula has antiviral, anti-inflammatory and soothing properties and has been shown to help the growth of new, healthy cells at wound sites.
Parts used: the flower petals .
Typical Preparation:
As an ointment, heat 2 oz. Dried calendula petals and 16 oz of petroleum jelly in a double boiler over low heat for two hours. Cool slightly and strain to remove herbs. Discard herbs and refrigerate ointment in a sterilized container.
Compress: Steep 1 teaspoon dried petals or 2 teaspoons fresh petals in 1 cup boiling water for 10 minutes. Strain, Soak a clean cloth in the tea and apply a a compress for minor cuts and scrapes or use as a wash for inflamed skin.
The special strain of calendula produces an abundance of large, bright orange flowers with a high content of medicinal oil. The attractive annual plants bloom
from summer into fall. The green, spoon shaped leaves are aromatic.
Culinary Uses:
The fresh, edible flower petals are added to salads, soups and sandwiches. Dried petals are used year round to season soups and rice.
Harvest: Harvest flowers when newly opened. Dry as whole flowers or as individual petals. Store dried flowers in moisture proof containers.
Parsley-Plain for anemia.
Medicinal Uses:
Parsley is rich in vitamins and mineral, including iron. In cases of anemia caused by iron deficiency, parsley leaves are used to make a tea or are used fresh or dried in cooking. Fresh parsley sprigs are also a natural breath freshener.
Parts Used:
The leaves
Typical Preparations:
Steep 2 teaspoons fresh or dried leaves in 1 cup hot water for 10 to 15 minutes. Strain out herbs and drink 1 cup liquid up to 3 times daily.
Breath freshener: Chew a few fresh springs after a meal.
Culinary Uses:
Stems and leaves are used in salads, meats, poultry, soups, stews, and sauces.
Other uses: Parsley Tea can be used as a hair conditioner.
Once plants are 8 inches tall, pinch off leaves as needed. Refrigerate or dry as needed for longer storage.
California Poppy:
California Poppy for anxiety.
Medicinal Uses:
California Poppy is taken internally as a mild sedative tea for anxiety, nervous tension, and insomnia. It has also been used for children in cases of over excitability and sleeplessness. The tea can also be used to relieve pain and menstrual cramps.
Parts used: Leaves, Flowers, Stems.
Typical Preparations:
Tea: Steep 1 to 2 teaspoons dried herb in 1 cup boiling water for 10 minutes. Strain out herbs and drink 1 cup of remaining liquid once daily. May be drunk before bedtime to promote restful sleep.
Whole stems are cut for dying between early summer and fill when plants are flowering.
Echinacea for colds and flu.
Medicinal uses:
Echinacea is highly regarded herbal remedy for relieving cold and flu symptoms, fighting a wide range of infections, stimulating the immune system, and healing wounds and minor burns. A tea made from the plant's root of leaves is used both as a preventative for colds and flu as well as a treatment once symptoms appear. Echinacea tea is also used to help treat chronic fatigue syndrome and yeast infections.
Parts used:
Roots and leaves.
Tea: Simmer 1 cup water with 1 teaspoon dried, chopped root ( or 1 teaspoon dried of fresh leaf) for 10 minutes. Then steep 15 minutes. Strain out herbs and drink 1 cup of the remaining liquid up to 3 times daily.
This tea may be used externally as a wash for wounds and minor burns.
Echinacea preparations may cause a tingling sensation in the mouth that is considered normal and harmless.
Generally. Echinacea preparations are taken for a period of up to 2 weeks followed by one to several weeks during which the herb is not taken.
Cayenne Pepper.
Cayenne Pepper:
For arthritis and muscle pain
Medicinal Uses:
Cayenne pepper contains a powerful, pain relieving compound called capsaicin.
Oils and creams containing red pepper are applied topically to relieve arthritis and muscle pain, backache, as well as psoriasis and shingles. Cayenne is taken internally to stimulate digestion and circulation, relieve sinus congestion and colds, increase metabolism and weight loss, and to help heal ulcers.
Parts used: Ripe fruit.
Typical Preparation:
Oil and Cream: Add ½ teaspoon dried red pepper to 1 cup warm vegetable oil.
Rub into sore joints and muscles. For cream, mix a small amount of dried pepper into a neutral/natural white skin cream until it turns pink.
For sinus congestion/pain relief:
Add up to ½ teaspoon dried cayenne to cooked dishes, tomato juice, or to 1 cup boiling water for a hot, spicy tea.
Compress: Soak a clean cloth in cayenne tea and apply briefly to painful muscles and joints.
Note: Test the skin on a small area before applying ointment. Do not use on
broken or rash skin. Wash hand thoroughly after use, do not get into eyes.
Culinary use:
Fruits/pepper can be pickled, canned, or dried. Dried pepper flakes are used in chili, salsa, pizza, and pastas.
Harvest fruits once they turn red, use fresh or dried.
Remove seeds before preparing fruits and always wear gloes while handling hot peppers and do not touch eyes or face.
Sage for sore throat and tonsillitis.
Medicinal Uses:
Sage is used as an astringent, anti -inflammatory tea for sore throat, tonsillitis, gingivitis, and canker sore. Once ingested, Sage also reduces sweating and is used
for this property as a remedy for fevers as well as for excessive sweating. Externally, Sage tea is used as a compress for wounds and a an antiperspirant.
Parts used: Leaves
Typical Preparations:
Steep 1 to 2 teaspoons dried leaves of 2 teaspoons fresh, chopped leaves in 1 cup
of hot water for 10 minutes. Strain out leaves and drink 1 cup tea up to 3 times daily for cold or sore throat.
Gargle the warm tea up to several times daily for sore throat, tonsillitis. Use the tea as a mouthwash for gingivitis and canker sores.
For wounds and antiperspirant:
Soak a clean cloth in the tea and apply as a compress to wounds or to underarms.
Note: Sage is considered a valuable, safe remedy for short-term use when used in
moderation. However, Sage is not recommended for long term use and high doses
can be dangerous.
Culinary uses: Used to flavor poultry stuffing, salads, egg, vegetables dishes, meats and breads.
Harvest fresh sage leaves as needed once plants are established. For longer storage, harvest leaves before plants bloom and hang to dry or freeze.
Catnip for fever due to cold and flu.
Medicinal Uses:
Catnip's antibacterial properties and vitamin C content have led to its tradition use in treating fevers associated with colds and flu. While the herb has a stimulating effect on cats, it has mild sedative effect on humans. Today, catnip tea is also used to calm nerves and induce sleep, to soothe the digestive tract as a digestive aid, and to ease menstrual cramps and itchy skin. Catnip is also considered a promising remedy for preventing cataracts.
Parts used: Leaves
Typical Preparations:
Tea: Steep 2 teaspoons dried herb or 4 teaspoons fresh herb in 1 cup hot water for 10 minute to 15 minutes. Strain out herb and drink up to 3 cups of the remaining liquid daily. May also be used as an iced tea.
Chicken pox, measles, hives:
Apply cool tea externally to affected skin.
Culinary use:
Young shoots can be used in salads. Leaves can be rubber on meats for flavor.
Harvest Hints:
Gather individual leaves as needed or harvest whole branches to dry.
Remove dried leaves from stems and store in airtight container.
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