You can find Plantation Product seeds at grocery and home improvement stores.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Get Your Green On! Herbs that can keep you healthy!
You can find Plantation Product seeds at grocery and home improvement stores.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Want to Make Money on the Internet? Earn While You Learn with the Minnesota Nice Guys.
Copy Paste Cash
Earn while you learn how to make profit online from the Minnesota nice guys.
I have seen a big change in the Network Marketing world. More “newbies” then ever, are joining online businesses. Then 2011 came with a fury of new business opportunities. There were Unemployed Americans flocking to the internet to find a Job. They would come across an online marketing ad, watch the video and join the link. There are thousands a day wanting to earn money on line and many businesses that offer the WORLD, and promise the opportunity of a life time. Well Unfortunately a lot of them FAIL! As a matter of fact, Most people do quit! Reasons: They have never been a Marketer. They have no training. They have know where to start. They get in to some scam. They get overwhelmed with too much too fast. They have no Drive, Motivation and hope.So it is very important to have a system that takes you from: “Newbie” to “Top Dog” while you……. Make some cash and learn free classified sites as well as start to build a Down Line list. Teach people the respectful way to social media market. Introduce other online income streams to add to their business. Teach them step by step how to affiliate market. Teach them how to build their own website and squeeze pages. Teach them how to monetize their website to make Unbelievable income. Go Now to Learn from The Minnesota Nice Guys! CopyPasteCash is the real deal and that is why we have grown so fast. CopyPasteCash is what on line marketers have been looking for throughout the years.
A BackOffice that is your engine, your central hub, your affiliate machine. CopyPasteCash lets you add businesses as we grow, build a down line and have people automatically sign under you. CopyPasteCash has become everything we envisioned so far. I have trained many in this business and we put all are experience in to CopyPasteCash. With the vision of members building a solid online marketing business step by step, has become a reality. We want to help people with their passions and see them become successful in this world of online marketing. What is in store for CopyPasteCash business is unbelievable. When you hit a certain level we offer you an Affiliate machine
Website with all the SEO tools, Squeeze Pages, blogging and everything you could imagine.CLICK HERE TO WATCH VIDEO AND LEARN FROM THE MINNESOTA NICE GUYS. Copy Paste Cash is working!! It is also a business that is sustainable with it’s levels, training, Business opportunities and all the way to Opportunex and building your 6 websites.
Copy Paste Cash is the way to building your business online and to build a REAL business! The funny thing is, we set up a payment plan that does not get the company rich quick either. We live to what we teach. Copy Paste Cash is a Learn while you earn system. Copy Paste Cash is not a “Get Rich Quick” business and most of those are unsustainable as well. So what more could you want? Copy Paste Cash is an honest system with a legit responsibility to work, and to train and to help people build their business with all, that a true marketer would.
Earn while you learn from the Minnesota Nice Guys, Tom Butler and Justin Middaugh’s Idea.Don't wait. It is only $29.95 to get your life time membership!
Don't waste anymore time-learn what you need to know now. Rochelle Marie
Join Copy Paste Cash. Try something that works for a change.
check out Living Simply Rich blog on Copy Paste Cash
Thank you for the visit,
Rochelle Marie at Living Simply Rich
Friday, August 31, 2012
Cleaning Products In Your Food Pantry?
Did you know that you have cleaning products in your food pantry?
For a healthier home use products free of toxic chemicals.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Fun way for kids to earn money and save the planet at the same time.
Wash the container out and let it dry.
Take a permanent marker and mark you child's name on the container. Put some encouraging phrases on the container like, Way to go Billy! Good Job! Keep up the Good Work! You are the Planet SUPER SAVER!
Put your childs name on the container and underneath his/her name write, Planet saving money.
Make a separate container for each child that you want to participate in this Planet Saving/Money Making task.
Now, have the children start saving soda and water cans in a large garbage bag. When there is 5 or more bags have the children recycle the cans. As of today, one pound of cans is worth 65 cents, that adds up quick!
Give the child/children the recycle money minus a couple dollars for gas. I charge 15% for driving the children to the recycle center. Why do I charge for driving to the recycle center? Because it teaching the children business and gas is expensive!
After the outing to the recycle center, let the children buy themselves a treat with their own EARNED MONEY and have them put the rest of their EARNED money into the container that you made for them. This container can be their very own money savings account.
This is actually a fun task that the family can do it together, it helps out our planet, the children feel importance, they learn responsibility, money management, and most important, you keep your money because the children have earned their own.
Want to go a little more green in you house? Purchase REAL chemical free products for your home and family!
Have an awesome day,
Rochelle Marie at Living simply Rich
What I learned with Network Marketing VT. Leadership Skills.
What I learned today with Network Marketing VT Conference Call.
The Characteristics of a Leader.
2- Does your company have training webinars, conference calls, webcasts, podcasts; attend them all if you want to succeed with the company.
Network Marketing VT has wake up calls Mondays –Thursdays. I attend these calls everyday, This is how I start my day of business , I get golden nuggets everyday, and I stay connected with my Network Marketing VT.
3- Develop your person everyday. Grow everyday in a positive way. This should include reading personal growth books, praying, meditation. One of my favorites is The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson. If you want a copy of this book go to I do not know if this book is in the book stores or not so I gave you the link.
4- Exposure Daily.
Expose your passion 20-30 times to the world everyday. Do this by telling people through social media, your blog, your website, picking up the phone, e-mail campaigns, direct marketing. Direct marketing can be costly so I suggest Send out Cards. I use Send out Cards and I love it! You can do a direct mailer within a matter of seconds, this is such an incredible time saver it is unbelievable. You put your contacts in the data base, create a card with your business advertisement on the card, click the contacts that you want to receive, your done! Send Out Cards makes the card, addresses the card, adds postage, and mails the card. Totally Awesome!
Go to: This is my duplicate site, you can take a test drive on my site and send a card out for free on me. I do not work Send out Cards as a business however I think Send Outs Cards is such a time saver for businesses. I have a distributor site so that I can share this awesome tool with my business partners .
It is so important to write down you goals with clarity. Get specific on your long term and short term goals, break them down into small bite size tasks. These task you must do everyday. The book the Slight Edge is great education book on turning simple disciplines into massive successes. Also, Network Marketing VT had an extremely education weekend training on goal setting. It was recorded and can be utilized by going in your back office and downloading the audio.
Your business is long term and you need to perform for the long run. Network Marketing VT is a long term business and really assists other with long term residual income. You have a business and people depend on you when you become the leader. They are looking at you for hope and direction. Give your team value, direction, content, and share everything that you know so that your team has successes and prospers. Live by this…… Givers Gain! You are on the internet not to just make a sale; you are on the internet to help people in the world to live a better life.
Create a team that works together on a common goal to enhance the team members individual lives and to impact the world in a positive way.
To create the community environment delegate responsibilities and tasks to team members and have the team members assist with weekly calls, webinars,
I have been in the world of MLM, direct sales, affiliate sales, producing my own products, starting my own clothing business and other projects for over 20 years.
I have to say that I have spend so much time and effort on growing my business and until now I have never found anything like Network Marketing VT. The products are absolutely needed for ANY business, the support , training, and education you get from being a part of this community is over the top.
I you have a business of any sort you have to at least do yourself a favor and take a free test drive. Check out the products that will benefit your business, look around and see what the Network Marketing VT community has for you and your business, get on a webinar, conference call. Network Marketing VT will help you and your business grow explode.
Rochelle Marie
Living Simply Rich
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Dont Forget a Mothers Day Gift!
All I have to say is don't forget a Mother's Day gift or you maybe in trouble.
Just order mom her mothers day gift now so you are not frantically running to the store to get her something she does not want.
CLICK LINK BELOW! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Shop Amazon - Mothers Day Gift<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Get your Mothers Day Gift Now!
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
How to Get What You Desire In Life. Transformation Weekend
This is extremely important for you to get what you desire in life!
Your wish is your command
and we will show you this weekend how to get
what you desire.
Vision is your key to what ever you want and desire.
Jason Spurlock will work with you to
to get what YOU desire in 30-60-09 days.
What do you want out of life?
Your business to explode?
Your relationships to be loving?
To make a 6 figure income?
To be healthier?
To live in your paradise?
To work less?
To have more freedom, security, and control over your life?
Whatever you desire, this weekend will show you
how to get what you desire.
Set you mind. Your Wish Is Your Command!
First thing you have to do is
1- Go to my lead capture page. Sign in with your e-mail so that I can give you instruction on how to get YOUR WISH IS YOUR COMMAND TRAINING for FREE this weekend.
2- Sign into Network Marketing VT for FREE!
3- View the webinar. Why? This is a requirement and we need to know that you are serious about making a change in your life. No wimps invited!
2- connect with me Google Voice 218-409-6215 or Home Line 218-422-8632
******(You have to connect with me so that I can get you into
This is a 2 part training on Sat and Sun, March 24th and 25th ONLY!
This will not be recorded!
Change and transfer your life this weekend and get what you desire.
Rochelle Marie
You exist just to be happy and have pure joy! Go get it this weekend!
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Living Simply Rich. Make Money with the Internet Gold Rush!
Internet Gold Rush! Start making money with the internet gold rush.
We have a step by step system that will explode your primary and we
will help you set up multiple streams of income.
Dont have a primary business? ---No Worries!
Not a computer techie?------No Worries!
Dont know where to start? ----No Worries?
Scared?-------------------------We got your back!
Step 1 in making multiple streams of income with step by step guidance from Living Simply Rich
Go To:
Sign up for the webinar and sign into the Network Marketing VT free test drive.
After you do this, we will train you and together we will start setting up your multiple streams of income.
To Your Future,
Rochelle Marie
Thursday, January 26, 2012
I opened up FaceBook and saw a post from Gracie and Josh!
Best post that I have ever seen on FaceBook!
From a mother that has a child with special needs- point of view.
As I am in finals week with my son, who has special needs, this is what I have to say to the world.
This life we live is the most rewarding and the most difficult.
It takes a strong parent to do this and all of life exceptions.
Parents that have been blessed by the Lord with these extra responsibilities are super stars rock stars, warriors of the world.
The Best Post that I have every seen on FaceBook!
Don't be mad at us because we don't answer the phone to you.....we maybe on the phone with the doctor making yet another doctors appointment.
Don't be mad at us because we can not go to your event.......we maybe too stressed out for the day.
Don't be mad at us because we do not reply to yourfacebook post .....maybe we are trying to figure out how in the heck we are going to find time to work today.
Don't be mad at us because we can not make time for you...........we maybe just too exhausted and need time to worry or figure out how not to worry.
Don't be mad at us because we don't call you back......we maybe trying to understand what a diagnosis is that the doctor just told us our child has.
Don't be mad at us because we have not connected with you for weeks.......we maybe frantically looking on the internet and in medical journals to see what the prognosis for a diagnosis is.
Don't be mad because we are not the same person that we once were.....we are a parent of a child with special needs. We have been given an extra task from God. We, as all other parents are blessed but we have some more goals to accomplish and more tasks to be completed.
Please keep being my friend.
Keep inviting me to events.
Keep calling me.
Keep posting to me on Facebook!
Keep sending me cards.
Even if I do not respond.....I appreciate it and I still do think of you too!
View this on FaceBook. It is awesome!
Go to Gracie's facebook profile page and go to her photos! AWESOME VIEW!
If you can not link Go To:
Grace Estelle Curley on Facebook and go to her photos!
Thank you God for my children.
Rochelle Marie
P.S. Gracie and Josh, you did your parents proud!!!!! Great post on Facebook!
Friday, January 13, 2012
Troy Polamalu Gets Out Of $10,000 Phone Bill
You Can Get Out Of Your Phone Bill Too!
Go To:
If Life Gives You Lemons...Wash Your Clothes!

Rochelle Marie at
If Life Gives You Lemons....Wash Your Clothes!!!
This is an awesome tip that I experimented with last night.
I put a load of whites in my washer.
Fill the washer up with warm water and stopped the washer so the warm water would sit in the washer.
I put in a cup of lemon juice into the washer water and let the whites sit over night.
Started the washer this morning and ran the whites through the cycles.
OMG the dirtiest white socks were white!
I have a white jacket that had coffee stains on it, CLEAN AND WHITE!
It is awesome.
To anyone that thinks to use bleach-
bleach eats away at clothes.
Also, if you or a family member is wearing a bleached white clothing item, when that person sweats they are soaking up the chemicals from the bleach into their body through their pores!
FYI......One of the leading causes of breast cancer..........chemicals from bleach.
Medical studies have been conducted on this subject!
Rochelle Marie from
P.S. Want green products for your home?
Go to this is a great store that I purchase from
Also, you can get a 20% discount by putting in code RMM20 at the end of your order!
Sweet Saving!