Monday, October 3, 2011

This is no scam! No contract, no deposit, no credit check cell phone and internet service!

You know, my passion is trying to save people money and to go green. Well, on the money savings side, I found it! I have been studying and picking apart a wireless company for over a month. I am excited about this wireless company called LightYear. They have been in business for over 15 years, have been in many business magazines, and registered with the BBB. LightYear gives you the opportunity to earn FREE monthly service by referring other people. How do they do this you ask? Well, the do not pay for advertising, such as T.V. commercials, (which costs millions +++++dollars)
they give that money back to the customers that show and tell.
The best part about this company is it is nationwide wireless service ( you probably already use this service) NO contract, NO credit check, No deposit, No overages, No hassels. Umlimited calling plans and other monthly plans, text, web, picture mail, GPS, smart phones, rollover minutes, international calling, tablets, 27 different devices and 11 of them are FREE in the month of October.
This is the REAL DEAL! I used to be a manager for 3 different wireless companies and I saw the residual income that was coming into the stores, $40,000 one month, $60,000 another month.(This was in a small city)
This was just residual income (money that was paid to the people that I worked for every month when customers would pay their cell phone bill) and I did not get one little bonus of that residual income. I was the one setting up all of the contracts! GEE! greedy, greedy, greedy!
With LightYear Wireless you can be a customer and tell some friends, get your monthly service for free or/and you can make some income from the wireless industry! AND its a HUGE industry!
It is predicted that 125 million people are going to switch to no contract wireless in the next two years. I want part of that. Everyone uses a cell phone or internet anyway! Just have them switch!
Everyone!!!!! This is a no brainier!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Really, check it out now!
If you have any questions e-mail me at or call me on my Google number and leave a message with your phone number and I will get back to you. 218-409-6215
Check it out NOW! Click here for LightYear money making information!

or copy and paste URL