Thursday, January 26, 2012

I opened up FaceBook and saw a post from Gracie and Josh!

Best post that I have ever seen on FaceBook!

From a mother that has a child with special needs- point of view.

As I am in finals week with my son, who has special needs, this is what I have to say to the world.

This life we live is the most rewarding and the most difficult.

It takes a strong parent to do this and all of life exceptions.

Parents that have been blessed by the Lord with these extra responsibilities are super stars rock stars, warriors of the world.

The Best Post that I have every seen on FaceBook!

Don't be mad at us because we don't answer the phone to you.....we maybe on the phone with the doctor making yet another doctors appointment.

Don't be mad at us because we can not go to your event.......we maybe too stressed out for the day.

Don't be mad at us because we do not reply to yourfacebook post .....maybe we are trying to figure out how in the heck we are going to find time to work today.

Don't be mad at us because we can not make time for you...........we maybe just too exhausted and need time to worry or figure out how not to worry.

Don't be mad at us because we don't call you back......we maybe trying to understand what a diagnosis is that the doctor just told us our child has.

Don't be mad at us because we have not connected with you for weeks.......we maybe frantically looking on the internet and in medical journals to see what the prognosis for a diagnosis is.

Don't be mad because we are not the same person that we once were.....we are a parent of a child with special needs. We have been given an extra task from God. We, as all other parents are blessed but we have some more goals to accomplish and more tasks to be completed.

Please keep being my friend.

Keep inviting me to events.

Keep calling me.

Keep posting to me on Facebook!

Keep sending me cards.

Even if I do not respond.....I appreciate it and I still do think of you too!

View this on FaceBook. It is awesome!
Go to Gracie's facebook profile page and go to her photos! AWESOME VIEW!

If you can not link Go To:

Grace Estelle Curley on Facebook and go to her photos!

Thank you God for my children.

Rochelle Marie

P.S. Gracie and Josh, you did your parents proud!!!!! Great post on Facebook!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Troy Polamalu Gets Out Of $10,000 Phone Bill

Troy Polamalu Gets Out Of $10,000 Phone Bill

You Can Get Out Of Your Phone Bill Too!
Go To:

If Life Gives You Lemons...Wash Your Clothes!

Rochelle Marie at

If Life Gives You Lemons....Wash Your Clothes!!!

This is an awesome tip that I experimented with last night.

I put a load of whites in my washer.

Fill the washer up with warm water and stopped the washer so the warm water would sit in the washer.

I put in a cup of lemon juice into the washer water and let the whites sit over night.

Started the washer this morning and ran the whites through the cycles.

OMG the dirtiest white socks were white!

I have a white jacket that had coffee stains on it, CLEAN AND WHITE!

It is awesome.

To anyone that thinks to use bleach-

bleach eats away at clothes.

Also, if you or a family member is wearing a bleached white clothing item, when that person sweats they are soaking up the chemicals from the bleach into their body through their pores!

FYI......One of the leading causes of breast cancer..........chemicals from bleach.

Medical studies have been conducted on this subject!

Rochelle Marie from

P.S. Want green products for your home?

Go to this is a great store that I purchase from

Also, you can get a 20% discount by putting in code RMM20 at the end of your order!

Sweet Saving!